September 14

My Sweet Belle #Halloween Costume


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We LOVE Halloween. We go to several parties every year and the girls each have a couple of costumes. (Can't keep wearing the same one!)

We received a costume from Costume Super Center. I allowed my youngest daughter to choose from the girls Halloween costumes and she chose of the Belle costumes. Yes I know she is a blonde but she loves her Disney princess and especially loves  Disney's Belle Costume.

How can I deny this sweet face? I let her choose so when “her” package got her she was so so excited and since it is a princess costume she plans on wearing it ALL YEAR LONG instead of only at Halloween. I will have to get her some Belle shoes so don't look at her feet yet lol.

Look Mommy I'm twirling!” That was the end of pictures. She wouldn't hold still and I was lucky to get these. She and her sister are having a tea party in princess wear at the moment.

Thank you Costume Super Center for this adorable dress. I received it for my honest opinion. No other compensation was received.


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