April 18

Protecting Your Teen Book Tour – Kindle Fire 2 $50.00 Amazon Gift Certificates


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  Safe Text – Protecting Your Teen from the Dangers of Texting (Protecting Teens from the Dangers of Technology and the Internet

This is the first book in a series to help parents protect their teens from the dangers of technology and the Internet. Not only does the book describe the dangers and legal implications of texting, but also gives tools and information how to dialog with teens about the dangers of texting.

This is a very practical book. Also by May, there will be a project to go with the book on Diane's website that is based on best practices in education to help teens understand the dangers and how to deal with them. This project will include lesson plans for teachers and parents who home school their teens based on national educational standards and learning targets.

I don't have teens. My daughters are five and seven but I worry. I didn't have to texting when I was a teenager (yes I am aging myself here). I see kids texting while driving and I hear about kids sexting on the news. This book got more in depth about what is exactly going on. It's disturbing. Kids sending each other nude pictures and kids getting bullied!

Did you know that 24% of all fatal car accidents of teens were due to cell phone usage? Did you know you could be held legally liable for your teens actions regarding texting? Ms.Griffin offers legal advice and this book is full of excellent resources! She offers a lot of great advice If you have teens or preteens I highly suggest you pick this up! I am glad I have this book for when my girls (who are already begging me for phones!) for when they get older.

The author is offering up a Kindle Fire and 2 $50 Amazon Gift Certificates.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Thanks for the giveaway. I’m not a mommy, but I have neices and nephews who are too young to drive, but already know their way around a cell phone entirely too comfortably for my taste. This is definately a worthwhile subject.

  2. My daughter is a teen and texts. Teens tend to text more than phone calls these days. My daughter however is not driving yet.

    I have open lines of communication with her and know what she’s texting. She also knows that I have the right to pick up her phone at any time and read her texts. Same with her email and facebook. I have the passwords to those as well.

  3. Thanks for publishing a book that so many parents can really use. Things are so different from when we were the same age and this should help with so many real world issues, that we never had to deal with when we were that age.

  4. My oldest son is getting ready to drive. This is such a wonderful idea for helping us protect our kids.
    Thanks so much.

  5. I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to have my book reviewed on your site.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful reviews. I am glad that you enjoyed the book.

    I appreciate the time and effort you put into reviewing my work.

    I am very passionate about helping our Teens Stay Safe In our Texting, Twittering, Social Networking World.
    Diane Griffin recently posted..When Teen Texting Mistakes Cross the Legal LineMy Profile

  6. My granddaughter is only 7 and already has a lop top she brings home from school and can text better than I can. It’s like a third language for her. I for one appreciate any info that will let me get a little ahead of her. Thank you

  7. Thank you for holding this giveaway. I currently don’t have children but I do believe that we should do our best to protect the children of the world.

  8. Great post and looks like a really useful book for parents. Texting while driving is not only illegal in places, it is here, but also very dangerous. Anything that takes your eyes off the road is dangerous. My sister-in-law was hit my a teen that was changing a CD. He hit the wheel so hard he stopped breathing.
    Hope kids will listen.

  9. I’m not a mom but I have a lot of friends and family that I fear for when crazy people are out there not paying good attention to the road.

  10. Our state has passed the no texting law… and unfortunately there still are people doing it. One young girl’s time of death in an accident was determined by an UNFINISHED text she was sending while she was driving. I can not imagine how the person she was texting felt when they heard the news she was gone 🙁

  11. My son is 15 and he still does not have texting. And believe you me he wants it bad! but with him almost driving age it really scares me. Thank you for the book!!!

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