August 8

Salt by Pauline Creeden Book Review


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Salt-FINAL_HighHer kind treats her as less-than-human, but she’s always been so much more.

Mermaid life has never been easy for Verona. Her scars give evidence of her abuse. When her day of reckoning arrives, she is determined to endure exile. According to her father’s experience, exile is better than becoming a land-walker and risking her life among the humans.

However, when she saves the life of a drowning human boy, she inadvertently sets off a chain of events which force her to choose a path: stay with the humans she has become attached to or return home to a life of scorn. A savage hunter draws closer, threatening even the humans. Her only hope is to keep everyone safe until the next full moon, but those around her devise their own plans.








Ever since I read the prequel Scales I've been itching to get my hands on this book. (You can read the prequel for FREE and you'll immediately want to buy this one). If Verona goes to shore she can return to the mermaids and not be treated so much as a bottom feeder, she is even engaged to a merman that wants to help her but her heart isn't in it so she hides out until she is forced to go to shore after saving a human.

Her human life is amazing, she even meets other merpeople that left that life behind but danger comes and she has to make a choice. This book is considered Young Adult but held my attention. I love that I could read this with my eleven and thirteen year olds because it was a clean yet entertaining book. I highly recommend this book.


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Mermaids can be cruel creatures...

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  1. This looks like such a good book to read and it sounds different and this book is right up my alley. I would love to read it.

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