August 8

$50 PayPal Back To School Giveaway


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It doesn't matter if your kids are going back to school or if you are homeschooling, this $50 PayPal is sure to help with school supplies or an outfit. This is open to US addresses only, 18+. Please fill out the form below to enter to win!


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  1. My kids do and don’t look forward to school. They usually start to miss their friends at school but also don’t like having to wake up earlier in the mornings.

  2. My college son is looking forward to going back. My younger son rather stay home. I honestly like when my kids are home for the summer.

  3. My “baby” is almost 43 so no she is not looking forward to going back to school. And I don’t really care one way or the other since I no longer have any little ones

  4. My daughter is heading back to college soon. She is looking forward to it. I always felt a little sad around back to school time because I enjoyed having my daughters home and having no schedule to follow.

  5. I don’t have any kids , but am looking forward to stranger’s kids going back. The super market will be less crowded.

  6. This is great! Luckily, my kids all love school so they are totally thrilled to start back. Myself as well, happy because they enjoy it so much!

  7. Nope she’s not excited at all and she starts next week. She’s still asking to be homeschooled and now she has added online schooling to what she wants to do instead of regular school! @@ I wish we could homeschool or do an online school but I have to work! LOL I go back to work next week too.

  8. Are your children looking forward to going back to school? Or are you?

    i dont have kids thanks,but im willing to learn…

  9. I am not looking forward to my daughter going back to school. She turned 12 the end of July and this has probably been the best summer ever. She is the perfect age where we can go places easily and when home, she is able to pretty much take care of herself and occupy herself. It makes me so sad. She is half and half on going back because she is starting a new school for the second year in a row.

  10. I have grandchildren but when I was raising my 4 sons they never looked forward to going back but I wanted to jump up and kick my heels when I dropped them off that first day.

  11. I will be taking classes at my university again in a week. I’m kind of looking forward to it, but at the same time, I just want to be lazy, haha! I have a niece entering preschool and she is very excited.

  12. Are your children looking forward to going back to school? Or are you?

    I have no kids…that I know of…but I would love to go back to school. I am thinking I could get my Masters and be the house father for a sorority.
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