July 22

Save – San Antonio Vacation Experience @SaveinSA


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This post brought to you by SAVE . All opinions are 100% mine.

] I've wanted to got to Texas on vacation for awhile. It's affordable and there is somethin g for everyone. Now with the SAVE – San Antonio Vacation Experience  there is more than $600 in savings to theme parks, animal adventures, top shops and historic tours, plus great deals on hotels, summer is the time to SAVE in San Antonio.

SAVE partners include top San Antonio hotels and resorts and attractions. Ranging from budget to luxury, SAVE has an accommodation for every price point and need. If location is key, SAVE hotels line the River Walk in the heart of downtown as well as surround theme parks and the airport. Make sure to check SAVE Limited Time Offers (LTOs) for special limited time deals and added value at hotels and attractions.

You can save on theme parks like Sea World and Six Flags Fiesta Texas  along with water parks. I've always wanted to go to Schlitterbahn ever since I saw it on theTravel channel! It is a waterpark on steroids!

There are so many great deals with the Save pack. If you go to Six Flags you can buy an adult pass and get a children's pass FREE or get a next day pass!  You can say $10 per ticket at Schilitterbahn, save up to $42 at Splashtown and they have a waterpark, concerts, dinner, shows and More! Perfect fun for a family.

My girls are obsessed with animals. Every Saturday we watch animal shows instead of cartoons. We go to the local zoo a couple of times a year and I would definetly take them to the San Antonio Zoo!  You get $2 off admission per person!

I how the history so I would want to visite the South Texas Heritage Center and I'm sure my husband would want to check out the botanical gardens. Honestly something for everyone in my family!

Summer vacations can get pricey for a family of 4, but the SAVE program really helps us cut down on costs! Be sure to follow @SAVEinSA on Twitter for all the updates on deals, limited time offers & ideas to help plan your next trip to San Antonio!

SAVE – San Antonio Vacation Experience

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