October 14

Spider Cookies #Halloween #Recipe

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 Spider Cookies

I love the fall, it gets a little bit cooler here in Florida, there is a nice crispness that hangs in the air and makes it where I want to bake and make goodies. Halloween is just around the corner and since it is one of our favorite times of the year we have a lot of recipes we love to make. This one is so fun for kids, especially littles that like to help out but can't do too much. This is easy to follow directions.

How to Make these adorable and easy Spider Cookies

No baking required for this ridiculously easy Halloween treat that the kids will love to prepare!

What you need 

Oreo cookies for the body
Thin licorice, cut in short pieces, for the legs
Colored candies for eyes
Icing to keep things together

Step 1: Add the Legs

Open the Oreo cookie and carefully place the licorice to create the legs. Press down slightly, so the licorice will stay in place.

Put the cookie back on top. If the cookie won’t stay, dab some icing in the middle of the cookie.

Step 2: Add the Eyes

To add the eyes, dap some icing in the appropriate position on top of the cookie.

Then carefully place the candies on top of the icing to complete the eyes.

Place on festive plate and serve.

Enjoy these spider cookies!


kid friendly, kid friendly recipe

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