December 15

Spread the Cheer this Season #SpreadCheer 2 – $25 PayPal #Giveaway


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Every year we spread cheer by baking cookies and delivering them throughout the season to our neighbors. The kids love baking and letting others know we are thinking of them. It is incredibly easy to spread cheer with Betty Crocker Cookies.
I stopped by Dollar General and picked up some delicious Betty Crocker cookie mixes.
Our favorites are peanut butter, sugar cookie, and of course chocolate chip. Those are daddy's favorite. 
It is easy to spread cheer with Betty Crocker's website. They have downloadable printables like gift tags, #SpreadCheer instructions, coloring sheet, & #SpreadCheer door tag.
Don't forget to get the kids involved! My girls are in charge of all cookie baking this year (with my supervision).
Our first batch of spread cheer was the peanut butter cookies. They came out perfectly!
Who are you going to spread cheer to first? We surprised.  My sweet mother in law with these peanut butter cookies.
She was THRILLED! It was a sweet surprise that her granddaughters made her some cookies.
Get your $.50 off coupon
Enter to win $25 PayPal Giveaway from Taking Time for Mommy and Betty Crocker.
Contest has been updated by the sponsor and there are now 2 $25 Paypals and two ways to win!!.

Giveaway Instructions:
To enter visit the Betty Crocker #SpreadCheer page and you must create a #SpreadCheer basket and post an original photo of it on your social channels with the hashtag #SpreadCheer (also nominate two friends by tagging).
Come back here to confirm your entry by commenting on this blog discussing who you chose to #SpreadCheer to AND then link back to your social post.

Second Way to Win a $25 PAYPAL CASH Fill out the form below
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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