October 30

The Arimathean Book Blast


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The ArimatheanThe Arimathean

Alex Donovan survived battle against insurgents in Afghanistan, and again in Zurich against a fallen angel. Now he must fight for his soul, drawn into a war that has waged across the centuries
between angels and demons for control of a legendary relic more valuable than the Shroud of Turin.

Gaspar de Rouse, a mere man with the gift – or curse – of immortality, is the latest in a long line of devoted guardians who have protected the secret for two thousand years. He received his sacred duty centuries earlier, passed down through generations of Knights Templar, to serve as The Arimathean.

Gaspar enlists a reluctant Alex into the conflict when Alex inherits his grandfather’s estate, which includes the historical records of the legend and ownership of an abandoned medieval church.

From ancient Jerusalem to the mountains of France, from the coast of Maine to the canals of Venice, the clues unfold, the mystery deepens, the final showdown looms as good and evil clash yet again over a relic so powerful, if it even exists, its exposure would rip apart the modern world.

Purchase the The Arimathean on Amazon, Paperback .

Here is the first book in the series Slow Boat to Purgatory Kindle / Paperback

Vernon BakerAbout Vernon Baker

Vernon Baker, the Author of Slow Boat to Purgatory and the newly released book, The Arimathean, lives and writes on the shores of Penobscot Bay in Belfast Maine. For the last few years he and his family have spent the winters in the panhandle of Florida and it was there, three years ago, while writing what eventually became Slow Boat to Purgatory, that he decided to become a published author. Taking advantage of the changing landscape of publishing he decided in 2011 to independently publish his first novel.

Slow Boat to Purgatory went on to become an Amazon.com bestseller both in the U.S. and the U.K. with over 10,000 copies in the hands of readers.

His latest project is The Arimathean, the sequel to Slow Boat to Purgatory.

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