September 7

The Drafter by Kim Harrison #BookReview #Giveaway


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draftercoverThe Drafter by Kim Harrison

In the first explosive book in the Peri Reed Chronicles, Kim Harrison, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Hollows series, blazes a new frontier with an edge-of-your-seat thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Detroit 2030. Double-crossed by the person she loved and betrayed by the covert government organization that trained her to use her body as a weapon, Peri Reed is a renegade on the run. Don’t forgive and never forget has always been Peri’s creed. But her day job makes it difficult: she is a drafter, possessed of a rare, invaluable skill for altering time, yet destined to forget both the history she changed and the history she rewrote. When Peri discovers her name is on a list of corrupt operatives, she realizes that her own life has been manipulated by the agency. Her memory of the previous three years erased, she joins forces with a mysterious rogue soldier in a deadly race to piece together the truth about her fateful final task. Her motto has always been only to kill those who kill her first. But with nothing but intuition to guide her, will she have to break her own rule to survive?

If you have been a regular follower of mine you would know how much of a Kim Harrison fan I am. The Hollows is one of my favorite series – EVER.

I'm going to admit that I was a little nervous for the new series but not because it was a different genre. I like  some Sci-fi, it was the fact that it was written in third person. I wasn't sure how I would like the switch.

I soon forgot it was written in third, the author still had all of the little details and action I love. Peri was much different from Rachel but I can see where there will be a lot of growth with Peri. Her entire world has been rocked, everything has been taken from her but Peri is one tough chick.

I honestly don't think it is such a huge jump from the Supernatural in the Hollows to Drafters in Detroit. Both aren't real but both were extremely entertaining. The characters were rich and I had a heck of a book hang over the next day. 

This is the perfect beginning to a new series. You can pick up the prequel SideSwiped (which I read after) too. I highly recommend!

 Buy the Drafter on Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Kobo / iBooks

KHKim Harrison is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Hollows series. She was born in Detroit and has lived most of her life within an easy drive of it. When not at work on her latest project, she spends her time landscaping her new/old Victorian home or out on the links with her mom. Her current vices include good chocolate and exquisite sushi.


Check out my interview with Kim Harrison on our Literary Addicts Magazine


We're giving away a hardback copy to one US address 18+ Fill out the form to enter
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  1. I haven’t read any of Kim Harrison’s books…YET! Fingers crossed to win this one, but if not, I’m going to purchase on Amazon – it just looks too good to pass up!! Love finding new authors to read!

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