November 13

The Silver Cross Book Review


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The Silver CrossThe Silver Cross

There are two things Boston detective Lacey Gardner knows about killing vampires. Slicing off a head or a hit directly to the heart are the only surefire ways to kill one. Silver is their Achilles heel. A vampire never wears silver.

When she meets bartender extraordinaire, Damon Harte, her heart does a quickstep for the dark hunky guy. She's learned the hard way that having a love interest in her line of work can be heart-wrenching. She's kept to herself for years, but something about Damon captivates her and draws her to him. When she learns Damon's devastating secret, she knows what she has to do: kill the man who has stolen her heart.

Purchase now on Amazon.

Follow the Authors, Debra L. Martin and David W. Small on their Blog, Facebook, Twitter



I'm a fan of Debra and David, I read and loved their YA series so I knew I wanted to read this since it's my type of book any way. The ONLY thing I didn't like about the book was the cover. It honestly makes me cringe but the STORY is fantastic! The cover doesn't live up to how GREAT the story is.

This book has everything I love – Romance, detective drama, a hot Vampire, and a strong female character. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want the next book and THAT is a great thing!! This is a unique paranormal story.


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