May 1

Trevor (The Billionaire Cowboys of Clearwater County)


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 (The Billionaire Cowboys of Clearwater County)

He needs a fiancée and he’s willing to pay.

Trevor Hart is in danger of losing his inheritance and that’s not an option. After visiting his friends in Two Rides, Montana, he’s determined to bring a girl back to the ranch and claim her as his own.

He grabs the first girl he passes outside of a bustling diner. Sassy and pretty, she’s more than he’s bargained for, but will his sudden proposal be able to win her over?

Will Jesse give up her in-demand position at the café? For a few million she might…

All she has to do is put up with Trevor for six weeks. Six weeks. But the more she’s around him, the more she realizes that her dreams to help others just might start with finding happiness herself.

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