August 17

Under a Fairy Moon Book Tour & Giveaway


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If you are longing for adventure and your family moves next-door to a beautiful garden full of lush plants and ancient stone, wouldn't you steal over to have a look at it – even if it was owned by the neighborhood witch? For Addy Marten the answer is obvious: It is only a matter of time before Addy sets out to explore the garden's winding paths and especially, the rows of mysterious stone statues that she has glimpsed through her bedroom window.

Instead of the enticing hideaway she has imagined, however, she finds herself in a chaotic and dangerous place. The Garden takes on a persona of its own that both entices and threatens. Its dark, secret places lure her with their promise of hidden mysteries, then “surprise and wound” her with the “prick of stinging nettle claws and barberry teeth.”

Too late, Addy discovers that she is a prisoner in the Median Realms and an unwilling pawn in an unusual game of Fairy Chess. She must use all her courage and wits to win the game and free herself from a malevolent group of fairy creatures and their twisted fairy-tale world.

About T.M. Wallace

Theresa WallaceT. M. Wallace lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and four children. At eight years old, she won a short story contest and was published in a local newspaper. She wrote her first book at ten years old called “The Adventures of Pinkstar,” about a stuffed rabbit who magically comes to life. T. M. Wallace received her Master’s degree in English Literature from Carleton University and a degree in Education from the University of Ottawa.

In 2010 her latest book, Under A Fairy Moon, was a quarter-finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel awards. Under A Fairy Moon will be published by Brownridge Publishing in June, 2011.

You can visit her website at

This is a great middle grade book. It definitely has a Harry Potter / Secret garden feel to it. Perfect for your junior high or young high schooler. Under a Fairy Moon is very beautifully written with characters your children will be drawn to.

Now for the Contest!


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