January 17

Valentine’s Day Wine Cork Appetizer Picks

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Valentine’s Day Wine Cork Appetizer PicksValentine’s Day Wine Cork Appetizer Picks

Do you have a handful of wine corks sitting around? I do, I actually have more than I care to share. If you do as well, why not use them to craft these clever Valentine’s Day wine cork appetizer picks? Perfect for using at your Valentine’s Day parties (or even dinner for two!) these wine cork appetizer picks are perfect for dressing up your snacks. Take a look below at how to get busy crafting your own. As you will see, they are so easy and super cute!

Supplies needed:

Wine corks064

Serrated knife

Foam hearts (Try dollar stores for these, or local craft stores)

Hot glue, glue gun




1. Begin by cutting the wine corks into 4ths. A serrated knife is perfect for this. Just saw slowly until


0652. Take a pencil and poke a hole in the bottom of each cork cutting. This will help the toothpick go in


3. Add a dab of glue to the back of each foam heart. Press it to the front of the wine corks. Hold in place

until dry.

4. You can now press the corks onto the toothpicks. Secure them in place.066

Your Valentine’s Day wine cork appetizer picks are now ready to be used. Simply insert them in cheese, meats, fruit, and other small snacks. As you can see, they look so pretty and festive when in use! Very easy to make too!

Gather your supplies and give these easy and inexpensive Valentine’s Day wine cork appetizer picks a try!


cork crafts, wine, wine cork

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  1. What a creative idea! I never know what to do with my leftover corks, this is a fun and simple way to use them. My daughter loves olives in her lunch box and I always throw a few tooth picks in for her to use when she eats them, this would be a great little surprise for her come Valentines day.

  2. I love this idea. I have a bag full of wine corks that I have been saving for a craft project. This would be perfect.

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