I'm helping Generations of Savings with a $15 Amazon Gift Code Giveaway!
Just enter on the giveaway form below. This giveaway is open to US/CA 18+ only and will run until 6/16 at 11:59 pm CST. There is a couple of daily entries including one super easy entry!
While you are here you should totally click over to find out how you can nominate a community project you love for a $2000 grant from Huggies! Just click through here. #sp
I learned that you can nominate a community project. The top 10 vote-getters will get $2000 grants from Huggies.
Kari recently posted..Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best In Show – Giveaway and Coloring Sheet #BerryBestInShow
nominate a local park, playground,
rec-center or any cause that could benefit from a $2,000 grant from Huggies!
that you can nominate a community project
You can nominate any community cause such as local park or rec center.
I also entered the take-dad-to-outback-steakhouse-65-gift-card-giveaway.
I entered the Take Dad to Outback Steakhouse $65 Gift Card Giveaway