May 23

5 Bath Time Tips For Your Older Child


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This post brought to you by Sterling. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Taking Time for Mommy.

I remember a time when the girls LOVED baths. They like to be clean once they are but getting them in there is the hard part. I've come up with few ways to make it easier for all of us.

1. Give them a ten minute warning. They aren't caught off guard and can finish up what they are doing.

2. Make it fun – Bath toys, bubbles, soap crayons – you name it. Even though the girls are tweens they still love it.

3. Let them pick out soaps and shampoos. – This helped a lot with getting the girls in the bath. They couldn't wait to try their new scents

4. Create a routine. If they know bathtime is at a specific time it is easier to get them in there. Especially if they know t.v. and /or reading time is afterwards. They more time they take fighting a bath the less time they have for personal free time.

5. If they are old enough let them take a shower. My girls are more likely to want to get cleaned up if a shower is involved. It is easier to wash their hair and take a lot less water and a lot less time. (see above).

I love showers too and appreciate a good sliding door. Sterling Prevail has a great sliding door, it is on a flexible track, which is comfortable and easy to clean (Got to love that!).

Sterling_3 It is great for bathing kids, washing dogs, lolling in the bath with your feet up, etc. (All the stuff you can't do with a hard shower track.) You can even get the  Sterling shower doors with ComforTrack technology for both bath and shower doors!

What are your favorite bath time tips or routines?


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