March 7

5 Ways to Use Hair Conditioner Around the House


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5 Ways to Use Hair Conditioner Around the House5 Ways to Use Hair Conditioner Around the House

Here are 5 ways to use hair conditioner around the house. Hair conditioner has a long history of making our hair smooth and soft, but there's more than one way to use it.

  1. Dry Clean Your Silk Clothing – Going to the dry cleaner is an expense that no one likes to have. The cleaners are boring, expensive, and inconvenient. Using a tablespoon of conditioner, a sink filled up with room temperature water, and a little know-how you can wash your silks on your own. Simply dunk your garments in the water and conditioner combo for a few minutes, rinse, and hang dry.
  2. Shine Stainless Steel – Keeping your stainless steel appliances shiny has never been so simple. Apply the conditioner in small amounts to your favorite appliance. Then, using a clean cloth, buff the surface back to that like-new shine. Nothing screams a well kept home like a shiny kitchen.
  3. Remove Eye Makeup – Makeup remover is expensive and we always seem to run out at the worst possible time. Save your pillow cases from your makeup using hair conditioner. All you have to do is grab a cotton ball, apply a little bit of hair conditioner to it and wipe away your makeup. The makeup should come off easily, and the conditioner will leave your skin feeling soft.
  4. Removing Soap Scum – We've all witnessed it, that slimy shower door or tile. Soap scum build up isn't only unattractive, but in the wrong places it becomes a slipping hazard. A clean cloth, and a dab of conditioner is all you need to fight that slime. Apply the conditioner to the cloth and scrub in small circular motions.
  5. Keep Metal From Rusting – Rust is unruly and spreads like a virus. Any metal that can rust can be protected using hair conditioner. Anything from your new faucet, to your water heater and even your tools. It's as easy as applying a thin layer of the conditioner to the metal you want to protect.

Using these 5 ways to use hair conditioner around the house you'll learn just how versatile the staple of healthy hair really is. Which one of these 5 tips do you plan on using in your own home? Are there any other uses for hair conditioner that you know of?


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  1. I tried posting this comment last night but I think something was wrong with WordPress because it just wouldn’t post. I live in an area that is prone to rust horribly. I have actually lost quite a few thing that really mattered to me because of it. I have never heard of hair conditioner being a deterrent to it! This is such a wonderful tip! I am going to try this ASAP! Thank you so so much!! 🙂

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