September 30

Easy Caramel Apple Crescent Dumplings


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Easy Apple

Apples are on sale right now so we've been buying them up. This is a very easy recipe that the entire family loves.

Easy Caramel Apple Crescent Dumplings

2 Granny Smith apples
2 tubes (16 total count) crescent rolls
1/4 cup caramel topping
1 cup chopped pecans
1 stick butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
cinnamon to taste
1 can (12 oz) lemon lime soda

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and butter a 9×13 baking pan.
Peel and core both apples, then cut each apple into 8 wedges (you will have 16 wedges total.)
Open the crescent rolls, separate, and lay out on a work surface.
Spread a thin layer of caramel onto the top of each crescent roll.
Place an apple wedge at the large end of the crescent roll.
Sprinkle pecans in front of the apple slice.
Roll the apple and nuts up in the crescent rolls, from large end.
Place each rolled up crescent on the baking pan. In a small saucepan, melt the butter, then add the sugar, mix gently, then add the vanilla, and stir again gently to combine.
Spoon this sauce over the apples, then gently pour the soda around the edges of the baking pan.  Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the crescent roll bundles and and bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes.
Remove and let cool slightly, then serve in dessert dishes.  Spoon some of the sauce from the pan over the top and top with a scoop of ice cream, if desire, and a few more pecans.


apple recipes, dessert, fall recipe

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