September 6

Flirty Aprons Review and Sweeps


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by Meridith

Flirty Aprons are some of the cutest aprons I have ever seen.  These are not your Kiss the Cook line of aprons, these are the ones that prove romance really does start in the kitchen.   I received the Sassy Black apron to review and after it arrived I opened it and set it on the dining room table.  My husband came home that night and said, “oooh what is this?”  Not realizing it was an apron 🙂  They are not all sexy, there are some cute whimsical ones too like the Frosted Cupcake  and the Cocoa Lime.

  I love the way I look in the Sassy Black.  I didn't feel like I was slaving over a hot stove at some fast food restaurant, but more like a sexy June Cleaver.  I spent some time browsing the Flirty Aprons site for possible holiday gifts and I think my other two favorites would be Marilyn Swanky Brunette, and Marilyn Strawberry Shortcake.  I guess I am a Marilyn girl. The aprons are one size fits all and 100% cotton.   These aprons would make a fun and original gift for a bridal shower.   They also have a men's and kid's line of aprons as well as a bib line.  They also have matching oven gloves.  I love it when I find stores that sell things that are out of the ordinary.  When attending baby showers there is now a whole new place to get those unusual, stand-out gifts that make other attendees say, “where did you get that?”   What about for the man in your life?  Who doesn't have a hard time picking out that gift he doesn't already have?  The fun play on words line of apron, with sayings like “I like big buns,”  and “grill sergeant” are the perfect, unexpected gift for him.

 I loved my flirty apron and I know you will love them too, so we are partnering with Flirty Aprons to offer one reader their choice of any apron with exception to the KayDee line.

I received a product for my honest opinion and no other compenation was received.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Does this include the men’s? I was given a ‘Queen of Everything’ for Christmas last year so I would get one for the hubby, ‘I Turn Grills On’ 🙂

  2. Oooh! Love! I’d like the mint one…it’s frilly and normally soooo not me…but I’d feel so glam, lol. And it’s close to the green awareness color for the cancer I had! I totally grab everything green now, lol.

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