November 17

Healthy Gingerbread Latte Recipe


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Gingerbread Latte Recipe

I like this version so much better than Starbucks. Theirs is made with syrup and this is so much better for you


1/2 cup Espresso or real strong coffee (I use Decaf)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of nutmeg
Skim or low fat milk ( I actually use Almond milk)
Agave nectar, to taste (or you can use honey)
Heavy Cream, for whipping if desired


Brew your coffee or espresso. Add a teaspoon of agave nectar (more or less to taste; it’s sweeter than sugar). Steam your milk either with a steamer or in a pot on the stove until it’s 140-160¼F, and add the vanilla and spices. Add enough espresso to fill your cup a third of the way. Add the milk and top with the whipped cream if desired.


Recipe  adapted from creativecookingcorner


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