July 31

Home Repairs to Take Care of This Summer Season


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Home Repairs to Take Care of This Summer Season

There’s no doubting the summertime is a great time to relax and take it easy as you enjoy the longer days, but the warmer months of the year and the extended daylight hours that come with them are also a good time to work on improving your house. Here are a few home repairs to consider this summer season while you’re enjoying time with friends and family.


Proper insulation is one of the best ways to save on the overall cost of cooling and heating your home, making it vital that your insulation is always in top-notch condition. Have a professional take a look at the insulation in your home’s attic, or consider having quality insulation installed in your attic if you don’t yet have any.


Because you’ll likely use your air conditioner a lot this summer, be sure to add it to your home repair check list to make yourself aware of any minor or major problems you might have. Be sure to inspect your filters every couple of months to see that they’re not clogged with dirt, dust, pet hair and the like. Even if your unit seems to be running perfectly well, there’s no telling whether you have minor issues that can easily be taken care of now while they’re still minor. Also, consider having your furnace checked as well near the end of summer or the beginning of the fall season to ensure you and your family are all set for the upcoming winter.

Don’t Forget the Garage

If you have a garage, know it’s a prime spot for an insect infestation. Give it a thorough inspection this summer to check for signs of bugs making themselves at home. Not sure what to look for? Call up a professional pest control company to lend you a hand and learn the more common signs of a termite and other pest infestations so you can check your garage and the rest of your home yourself in the future.

Roof Maintenance

Because your roof is such an essential part of your home’s overall protection, it’s a must-have on your summer repair list. Specifically, you’ll want to see whether there are shingles missing or other signs of structural distress. You should also take a look at the ceilings of your home to see whether there are any signs of water damage, mold or mildew.


On a note related to your roof, you should also make time to either clean out your roof’s gutters yourself or have the job done by a professional if you’d rather not make your way up to your gutters. Having clear gutters is especially important if you live in an area that receives abundant rain in the summer, as you don’t want to experience avoidable roof issues or have your gutters tugged away from your roof due to extra weight.

Deck Washing

If you plan on spending some time on your deck this summer, do yourself a favor and look into professional deck washing. A good pressure wash blasts away grime, dirt, mold and anything else that might ruin the look and overall life expectancy of the structure. While you could be tempted to take care of the job on your own, know it has to be done the right way, otherwise, you’re more likely to do more harm to your deck than good, which can result in unnecessary damage and avoidable repairs.

Take note of the residential repairs and upkeep that should be added to your summer schedule. You can either have them all taken care of at once, or you can space them out as you wish. If you decide its best to handle them all at once, check out advice from AAACreditGuide on OppLoans to see if they would be a good fit for the extra expense. In any case, do yourself and your home a huge favor and make sure they each get done.



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  1. It is hard to get everything done before winter when you own a home. I still am not done with everything because it has been so hot outside to do anything, but it is cooling down and we will be getting our stuff done now.

  2. I had totally forgotten about cleaning out the gutters! Outta sight outta mind. Thank you! Although I was proud of myself for remembering to clean out the dryer vent hose!

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