October 6

It’s only just begun


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I LOVE the fall.  I love everything about it; I think most people do.  I love sweaters, layering clothes, baking, cooking, watching the rain, listening to the rain, smelling the rain,(good thing I live in Oregon!!), watching the trees change colors, breathing in the crisp air that only the fall can provide; I love it all. This year, the fall arriving seems even more exciting because we now have it to share with our little guy.

I was a little overzealous this past weekend and decided to drag my husband and son to the pumpkin patch.  Yes, it rained; we went on a hayride (it was covered!), left with a trunk full of pumpkins and gourds, and decided we'd return to document our trip when the weather is a little nicer.  Being at the pumpkin patch (which, by the way is my absolute favorite thing to do in the fall) as a family was so special and sparked a little excitement for me of what's to come over the next few months.  Looming not to far ahead of us are the holidays.
I'm interested to see how things will be now that we have a child to share the holidays with.  I know this year he doesn't understand the difference between a pumpkin and his little guy sized basketball. And, that he won't know the difference between wrapping paper and actual gifts; but, it just seems to hold so much more meaning to share so many “firsts” with our little guy and (most importantly) as a family.  Doing things together, making special memories, and creating our own traditions, makes being a family special and unique. I can't wait to share it all together and look forward to what the next few months hold.
As the seasons change and the holidays approach what are some of the things your family does to make memories and traditions? Are you good at sticking to traditions as the years pass? Do you develop new ones over time? How do you do juggling family obligations once you have a family?


Erin Medina Heins loves photography and is an amateur sewer , former substance abuse counselor and case manager turned professional baby snuggler. Each day she works to cherish her time with her rapidly growing sweet little baby man while balancing not letting life and it’s distractions get in the way! Visit her on her blog, Facebook, and twitter.


Erin Medina Heins

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