April 5

How to Ravish a Rake (How To Series #3) Review and #BookGiveaway


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How to Ravish a Rake


Amy Hardwick has one last Season to shake off her wallflower image and make a love match. If she can't, she'll set aside her dreams of romance and return home to a suitor who can provide security-if little else. What she doesn't count on is the inappropriate-and irresistible-attention lavished on her in a darkened library by rake extraordinaire Will “The Devil” Darcett . . .


When Will is caught in a tryst with the tons shyest miss, he knows he must offer for her hand. Yet Amy is not the shrinking violet she seems to be. Passion lies beneath her prim exterior and Will is eager to release it. But winning Amy isn't simply a matter of seduction; first, Will must convince her that he's mended his wicked ways . .


Mandie's Thoughts –

Vicky Dreiling is one of my favorite Historical Fiction romance writers. I read the first two book in the How To series and this is the third. You don't have to read the first two to enjoy this one but you should any way 😉

Vicky is witty and a delightful story teller. Amy has been out of society for awhile but managed to be allowed another season but she promised her parents that she would marry who they wanted if she didn't get married before then. Will has found his self in pickle. He has gambling debts and marrying an heiress would help him out a lot but it's not as easy as he first thought.

We're giving away 3 copies!

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I received a book for my honest review, no other compensation was received.


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  1. I’ve read all Vicky’s books and have been waiting to read How To Ravish A Rake. Thanks os much for this opportunity.Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  2. no, but I would love to, i am an avid reader and i share my books with my daughter who is in a book club at work. thanks

  3. I have her earlier books but I haven’t read them yet. I’m one of those weird people who waits until all books in a series are in hand before starting them. Thanks for the giveaway

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  4. I have not read any of her books yet but I would love to start with the first one. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

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