July 27

4 Great uses for a shed in the winter


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4 Great uses for a shed in the winter

A backyard shed is one of the most underrated parts of our home. Some of us only use it as an extra storage room for tools, bikes, junk, and other things that we could not fit inside the house. Giving your shed an upgrade, by insulating the walls and installing its own water and power supply lines, will definitely transform an ordinary box into a functional space inside your property line.

Sheds vary in sizes, styles, and materials too. Whether you are planning to construct a timber log cabin or a plastic playhouse for your children, there are plenty of choices that you have when shopping for a new shed. Visit iLikeSheds and check out the wide range of sheds that you can choose from. Get your own shed now and have it delivered for free anywhere in mainland UK.

During the summer season, a shed can function as a pool house for changing clothes and storing supplies, a greenhouse for nurturing delicate plants, or an open observatory for stargazing. What about during winter? If you think that a shed is only good as a storage room during the cold season, then you are totally wrong. To give you an idea, here are 4 of the many great uses of a shed during the winter.

  1. Work Station

By adding a working table, chair, lighting, and a heating system, you can transform an ordinary backyard shed into a personal workspace. To keep the area warm during winter, you may use high-quality wood materials that efficiently retain heat inside. If your shed is made of mostly metal or plastic, you can line the walls and roof with insulation foam before decorating the surfaces in any way you want.

You may also add a sofa in case you need to snooze off or a coffee machine and water heater so you can enjoy sipping warm beverages while working during cold winter days.

  1. Firewood Storage

Sheds can also be used to stack firewood which you will use to keep your homes warms on cold winter nights. Moisture and pests are just some of the problems that you may encounter when storing firewood. Do not pile the firewood directly on the ground unless the surface is made of concrete. Avoid stacking the wood more than four feet high and make sure that the shed is sturdy enough to prevent collapse. Stack the firewood bark-side facing down until it has completely dried and matured. Keep the firewood away from moisture by putting a cover on top and facing the bark-side up for extra protection from rain and snow.

  1. Music Studio

Music lovers will surely enjoy a private studio away from the noise and distraction of their housemates. Aside from insulation foam, you may also consider lining up the walls with soundproofing boards. Install a stable power supply for your electronic musical instruments. Make sure that there are no cracks in the roof, walls, and floors to keep your instruments safe from rain and snow.

  1. Bar Shed

Converting your shed into a small backyard bar is a fun and a convenient way to entertain your guests and friends as many of us do not have an extra space inside our homes to set up a bar. Decorate your backyard shed and make it the new hangout place for your circle of friends. Don’t forget to install power supply for a refrigerator, lighting, heater, and a karaoke set too. Stock up on drinks and snacks so you can keep the fun going longer during cold winter nights.


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