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What do you think about moms and tattoos? Do you have one?
Do you hate them? My father told me he would disown me if I got one when I lived with him. It put negative thoughts about them for me for a long time.
Since then I have changed my mind. Yes I still
have virgin skin. No tatoos at all.
It isn't that I don't like them, it's quite the opposite.
I'm scared if I start I will keep going.
That and I can't quite decide on anything. So I told myself if my
Urban Fantasy book ever gets published I will get one then. Maybe something related to my book and it has to be
something small and inconspicuous.
My hubby has one tattoo. Only one. It's a Native American
in a head dress on his arm. I really like quotes about life or something else meaningful. I will have it for the rest of my life. My husband loves his and has no desire to get another, his has meaning to him too.
Whatever I get I want it to be classy. My brother is addicted and covered. Now he can't even cover everything up.
Unfortunately people judge you if you have tats everywhere.
I think people judge moms with tattoos too. I honestly don't care what other people think but I will get it (them) where I can hide them.
There are a lot of cute tats like cher lloyd tattoos and a lot of other great artists.
Celebrities get them and don't hide them. I guess if they look classy then it's okay? What do you think? Are there still a lot of anti-tattoo people out there?
Or are you okay as long as someone isn't all covered with them?
I have four tattoos. They are very addicting. If you think you won’t be able to stop. Don’t start. Theresa recently posted..Home Improvements for Sustainable Living
I have four tattoos. They are very addicting. If you think you won’t be able to stop. Don’t start.
Theresa recently posted..Home Improvements for Sustainable Living