April 11

Moms teaching kids to drive – how to do it safely


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Moms teaching kids to drive – how to do it safely

The thing with being a mom is that it never stops. You wanted to take care of your kids when they were small, fixing toys and kissing it better when it hurt. Then they start to grow and you have all the anxiety of broken curfews, alcohol and sex to think about. Actually, teaching your kid to drive sounds pretty easy amongst all of that. But do not be fooled.

You may be a really good driver, and that is a great start when it comes to teaching someone to drive. But this is your child and that puts a whole different complexion on the matter. If you are sure that you are prepared for the challenge, here are some tips to help you and your child remain safe.


  • Make sure you are well prepared


Before you even start the first lesson there is plenty of preparation that needs to be done.

  • Take a few trips in the passenger seat of a car, to get used to the different perspective. You are going to be sitting there when your kid is driving so you need to be able to judge distances and spaces.
  • Know the routes you are going to take. When you are giving instruction you need to be clear and calm. This means that you need to be fully aware when manoeuvres such as turning are necessary, well before they happen.
  • Know the area well, so you can prepare for your child for potential hazards. For instance, when fall arrives, state parks in states such as Arizona warn about the increased risk caused by hard to see animals on the road at dusk. It's useful for anyone learning to drive to know geographically specific information like this. If your child is aware and prepared, they should know what they could be facing when they head to the Arizona DMV to take their test.
  • Plan the lessons ahead of time. When you first start teaching you should stick to short lessons in daylight and good conditions. You can switch this up as progress is made. Do not forget to plan what you want you want to include in each lesson. Sticking to one or two main objectives is a good idea.

All of this prep work is necessary if you want the lessons to be effective.

ld deliberately distract your child during lessons; but you may do it accidentally. It's natural to want to talk, especially if you are nervous. But you should stick to only talking when giving instructions or when praising them for doing well.

If your kid makes a mistake during the lesson, you should obviously let them know. Calmly ask them to pull over when it's safe to do so, and discuss the mistake with them. Never let it seem like a lecture; you need to be supportive and constructive.


  • Never continue the lesson if there is anger or upset


There may be times when you or your child, or both of you, become upset or angry during a lesson. If this is just a minor thing and is over in seconds, it may be safe to carry on. If it's more serious, you should end the lesson. You do not want there to be any more of an issue between you and you do not want them to continue driving if they are emotional, as it could be dangerous.

Once your teen is ready they can head on down to DMV and book a test. Hopefully, you have found our tips useful and feel ready to teach your child to drive.



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