March 6

Shaklee Makes Cleaning Supplies?


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Did you know Shaklee makes cleaning supplies? I didn't. My parents used to sell the vitamins ages ago and they were good stuff so I knew I wanted to try the cleaning products!

Did you know that the Basic H20 alone could save you almost $12,000?

The one and only Basic H is a versatile, superconcentrated cleaner with
a thousand uses. Ninety-nine percent natural and 100% powerful, Basic H2
replaces all the cleaners you’re probably buying now—window cleaners,
all-purpose cleaners, degreasers, floor cleaners, tub and tile cleaners, and
more—saving you money and space.

Get Clean Basic H is the ultimate superconcentrated cleaner! Look how much
you would have to spend to get the equivalent cleaning uses!

To get the same amount of clean as one 16-ounce bottle of Basic H2, you would
have to spend:

• Nearly $482 for the equivalent amount of all-purpose cleaner

• $12,250 for the equivalent amount of window cleaner

• $144 for the equivalent amount of degreaser

A Little Goes a Long Way

1 bottle of Basic H2equals the cleaning uses of 5,824 bottles of 26 oz. Windex®*

For best results, use with Get Clean Spray Bottles

Basic H2® is all you need for thousands of household jobs

  • Ultraconcentrated – 64 ounces makes up to 192 gallons of super powerful cleaner when mixed with water.
  • Versatile and powerful cleaner – removes dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface, inside and out. Dilute according to directions.
  • No rinse, no residue, streak-free formula.

Use on any washable surface – indoors or out. I seriously LOVE this stuff and it's GREEN, Environmentally friendly.

I also loved the degreaser. I used it on my stove  and it cleaned it so quickly and easily. With the Shaklee products I'm saving TIME and Money!!

I am not a Shaklee rep. I received some products to try to give you my honest opinion. I didn't receive any other compensation. These products are AWESOME. Well I could take or leave the wipes but the Basic H2® and the Scout off Heavy Duty Paste I WILL be purchasing them again!

In other Shaklee news…

Cinch® Transformation Pack™

Buy 3 Months…Get the 4th Month FREE†

Designed to help you to keep muscle you have, burn fat you don’t want,
and lose inches you don’t need. Clinically tested*. Customer proven.
And at less than $3 per meal, you’re looking at a leaner body and a
fatter wallet. Bonus offer! Join with a Cinch® Transformation Pack and get the Cinch Sampler Pack (an additional $100 retail value)

FREE!! Hurry offer ends March 31st, 2012.

Follow Shaklee on their social media!




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  1. We are so glad you like the cleaning products. Thank you for reviewing them and working with us. I’ve personally used them for four years and love them. It is so nice having my children safely help me clean!

  2. I too was able to try out the products and I can say they work wonderful in my household. I will be using them again. Another thing I am using is the Cinch Program I started today and I can not wait to see how well it works for me as I need to lose weight so badly.
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