March 23

Temporary Health Insurance?


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One of the things I love about homeschooling is being able to come and go as we please.  We don’t have to plan trips around someone else’s schedule.  It enables us to plan big for family trips.  My whole life I have wanted to rent a full-size RV and travel around North America.

As my family has grown and my kids are getting older, I want to share this journey with them. I want to visit all the national parks, see the spectacular views of the Grand Canyon and Sedona, hike through the Adirondacks, see the Bluegrass Mountains and a dozen other interesting places with them.

We have finally settled on taking this once in a lifetime trip next year.  The kids are old enough to participate and still young enough to be excited about going.  We have planned where we want to go.  The trip will include a tour of some of the great diners in the country.  The kids are choosing some exciting theme parks and camping places.

The one thing that has been challenging me is finding temporary health insurance.  We are able to get an extended leave of absence from work to take this trip but it will mean giving up our health insurance for the year we are gone.

As a parent, I want to know that we are all covered in the event something should go wrong while we are traveling.  Finding a reliable insurance plan with a good reputation has been a challenge.  After a lot of searching and comparing we finally settled on Kaiser.  It was the last piece of the puzzle and we are on our way.

This trip is meant to be a truly immersive educational trip for the kids. They are going to experience our country first hand.  What fun this is going to be.


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