April 23

Tin God – Motherhood #BookTour #AuthorGuestPost #BookReview


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Tin God

Getting pregnant as a teenager and being coerced into giving her baby up for adoption left a festering scar on Jaymee Ballard’s life. Trapped by poverty and without many allies, Jaymee nearly gives up hope of getting her daughter back after her best friend is murdered. Now, four years later, a wealthy woman with legal connections hires her as a housekeeper, and Jaymee gathers the courage to seek her help. But Jaymee’s last chance ends up in a puddle of blood in one of the historic antebellum mansions in Roselea, Mississippi.

I just murdered your wife…again.

An unsigned letter consisting of six horrifying words turns Nick Samuels stagnant life upside down. Stuck in emotional purgatory since his wife’s unsolved murder four years ago, Nick is about to self-destruct. The arrival of the letter claiming credit for his wife’s murder and boasting of a new kill sends Nick to Roselea, where he and Jaymee’s worlds collide.

Jaymee and Nick realize exposing the truth about her daughter’s adoption is the only way to solve the murders. Up against years of deception, they rush to identify the killer before the evidence–and Jaymee’s daughter–are lost.

But the truth doesn’t always set the guilt-ridden free. Sometimes, it destroys them.

Sue's Review – This is one of those books you start reading and you just can't put it down. When you finish reading it you are amazed you didn't see the signs as to who the murderer was sooner.
Every time I thought I had it figured out – something would happen and prove me wrong!! It's a awesome read that will have you glued to the pages! If you are looking for a perfect mystery to read-pick this one up! You will love it!
I was given a copy of this book for an honest review.

Motherhood plays key role in my new mystery, TIN GOD. The heroine, Jaymee, is searching for the child she lost to an illegal adoption while her own mother is a victim of domestic abuse. The two have never been allowed to have a real mother-daughter relationship, and as the book progresses, Jaymee realizes the sacrifices her mother made and matures enough to do the same for her own child.


I dedicated the book to my daughter, Grace, because she truly is our miracle child. It took us five years to get her because of a genetic condition I have, and we had given up. Now she is seven, and we are blessed with a healthy, intelligent, active (and slightly obnoxious) child.


Even though I am close with my own mother, I never truly understood the bond until I had Grace. It’s amazing how we channel their feelings, no matter how insignificant the issue. If she is upset, so am I. If she’s crying because she’s in trouble, I feel even worse. And although I grew up plenty spoiled, I am happy to sacrifice things I want or need so that she comes first. When Grace was born, all the problems I dealt with before her became insignificant and trivial, and life immediately became about her.


And all of us do this. It’s a natural part of being a mom, but to me, it’s one of the most fascinating parts. It takes time to fall in love with a partner, but with your child, it’s instant and unyielding.


Unconditional love is what creates a well-rounded child and hopefully, adult. In this world full of fear and violence, parents have a lot of things to teach our kids, but what they need most truly is love. They need to feel secure and safe, and that no matter what bad decision they make, we’ll still love them even if there are consequences.


My parents excelled at this, and I hope my husband and I do as well. I’m very proud of being an author, and every book is my baby. But none of them are as important as Grace, and that will never change.


Thanks for reading!





Purchase Stacy Green’s other books Welcome to Las Vegas and Into the Dark

About the author

Born in Indiana and raised in Iowa, Stacy Green earned degrees in journalism and sociology from Drake University. After a successful advertising career, Stacy became a proud stay-at-home mom to her miracle child. Now a full-time author, Stacy juggles her time between her demanding characters and supportive family. She loves reading, cooking, and the occasional gardening excursion. Stacy lives in Marion, Iowa with her husband Rob, their daughter Grace, and the family’s three obnoxious but lovable canine children.

Website / Amazon Author Page / Facebook / Twitter / Literary Addicts




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