December 8

Tumbleweed Christmas Book Review


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  Tumblweed Christmas

About Tumbleweed Christmas 

Christmas is the time for miracles, but sometimes, a child must make her own miracle, and one for her siblings.

Read an excerpt!

Today was Christmas Eve. My house was dark and sad. We had no Christmas tree. Mom said trees cost money. Dad was n the hospital. She did not have any extra money. I saved a dollar from my school lunch money. I was going to surprise her and buy a tree.

I pulled on my coat. I put my baseball cap on my head. I tucked my baseball glove under my arm. My glove went everywhere with me. Dad gave it to me. We used to play ball, before he got sick.

 “Where you going, Jackie?” asked April, who was four.

“Where you going?” asked May, who was only three.

“It’s a surprise,” I said.

Our Thoughts – Christmas is our favorite time of year. Cookies, presents, and most importantly basking in our love for each our God. This book reminds us it's NOT about the presents. We are so happy to have this book added to our Christmas collection and will read it every year.

Buy it HERE


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