2 Broke Girls reminds us that laughter is the key to our hearts. The People have spoken and the two lovable gals of 2 Broke Girls have been nominated for best New TV Comedy. In 2 Broke Girls they realize that dreams may come true through an honest day’s work. Max and Caroline’s dream is opening their own cupcake business.
I would weigh 400 lbs if I opened a cupcake business. I'll stick to blogging. Most people don't realize what hard work it is. Just like a cupcake business sounds like so much fun but as you can see in 2 Broke girls it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. It's an honest days work but in this case HILARIOUS!!
Please Vote for 2 Broke Girls for People's Choice http://bit.ly/arSy9z
I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote WBTV shows nominated in the People's Choice Awards.