September 1

Hunting Taylor Brown by Rhys Hagan #BookReview $50 Amazon Gift Card


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HuntingTaylorBrownbannerHuntingTaylorBrownOutlaw bikers, rogue police, brutal gangsters and a ruthless assassin converge in the city of Shoremont to claim the bounty on Ryan Hall's head and recover the girl he rescued—Taylor Brown.

Taylor is the daughter of a powerful and calculating mob boss, Cameron Brown, who isn't sparing any expense to know his daughter is safe and exact vengeance on those responsible for her kidnapping.

While the depraved maniacs of the city scrounge for their reward, Detective Jesse Wishman and Larry Manning must confront the mutual pain in their pasts if they hope to successfully resolve the case. When Manning’s daughter, and Wishman’s fiancée, was killed; it caused them both to spiral into obsession and self-loathing until they were forced to meet once again.

Join the estranged detectives as they attempt to defy the odds by clearing Hall's name and uncover a conspiracy behind the disappearance of a child.

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This took me a minute to get into but once I did it was smooth sailing. It actually became pretty fast paced. It is only around a 200 page book so I read it in one evening because I had to know what was happening. There are plenty of twists and turns with Hunting Taylor Brown and the author writes likeable characters. If you are looking for a fast paced thriller I highly recommend picking this one up.

I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received. 

1469614884Born in Regional Victoria, Australia in 1990, Rhys Hagan displayed a passion for creative writing throughout his childhood years.

After high school, he joined the Royal Australian Army as a rifleman to develop skills he will carry with him for life. His experiences have also enriched his perspective as a writer. He regularly draws on his time in the military as a source of inspiration for his writing.

To find out more about Rhys, his novels, release dates, and sneak peaks—check out his website.


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