October 5

6 Signs That Your Baby Is Ready to Crawl


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When do babies start to crawl?

The most important rule to keep in mind is that babies start to crawl when the time has come in their natural pace of development to do so. This means that they have to be prepared both physically and mentally. I am one of those dads that are constantly thinking about whether their babies are being late in crawling, sitting or any other movement. The good news is that there is absolutely no need to worry. You don't have to compare your infant with the others, as all babies have their own pace of development. Due to the statistics the majority of the babies tend to start crawling between the age of 7 and 12 months.

There are signs that clearly show that the time for crawling is very close to come. Apart from the joy that you feel as a parent, these signs also mean that you should start practicing with your baby in order to teach her to crawl.

The most important signs that your baby is ready to crawl

    • Your baby has begun to crawl mainly using her hands. In this phase most of the infants pull themselves forward by their hands, using their legs only minimally or not at all.
    • While leaning on her hands, your baby tends to flex her legs in order to pull them under her body or close to her body. Now we're close to crawling position!
    • When being able to lean on her hands and knees, your baby rolls back and forth.
    • Due to several observations, the time of crawling often comes after the baby can sit confidently without parental help. The reason for this that sitting indicates that all her necessary muscles are strong enough for keeping her from falling on the floor while crawling.
    • After sitting on their own, babies also learn step-by-step to move from sitting to crawling position, leaning on their hands and knees. When you see your baby doing so, you won't have to wait long to see her crawling as well.
    • Finally your baby will discover how to use her knees to push herself forward. This is the point when your infant is ready to begin her amazing journey to discover the house crawling around.

What is your role?

Seeing the signs described below, it is also time for you to help your baby by teaching her how to crawl. Yes, I know that babies can learn this movement by themselves, however the common practice is very useful and delightful for both the parents and the infants. There are several methods to speed up the learning period.

The next steps

While seeing your baby crawling makes all parents happy and proud, you should not forget about the possible new dangers. Now your baby is able to reach several furniture and object within the whole house, as she can turn up everywhere – even at places you wouldn't even think of. When you discover any of the signs above, it's good time to start think about how to make your home ‘baby-proof'. Get down own your knees, and in this position crawl around the house. This new perspective will help you to discover many potential trouble sources.



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