June 1

Constricted (Beyond the Brothel Walls) Book Blast


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ConstrictedBlastBannerconstricted_ebook“Enjoy a morbidly assortment of heartache, tears, and sadness …immediately felt connected … flow is beautiful … this book is what perfection really is!” – Toni L.

The world sundered and the demons arose, warring against those neither God nor Satan wanted.

Korrigan trained most of her life as a courtesan, submitting to the will of men.

Petre searched for the perfect woman to break his immortal curse.
Sold to Petre in Arcadia, Korrigan stumbled through her journey of love, treachery, and forgiveness. Secrets and lies whispered in the dark recesses of her mind as her past haunted her dreams.

What if all her master taught her proved to be wrong? As the weight of her new world compounded on her shoulders, slave and master hatched a plan to liberate the brothel and tear down the walls.

Beyond the Brothel Walls Saga #1 

Lust ruled the demons. Seven signs have come and gone. Sloth ruled the vampires. Seven angels fell to the Earth. Envy ruled the courtesans. Seven Keys lay hidden amongst the Seven Angels. Gluttony ruled the rich. Seven families rose and fell. Wrath ruled the Horsemen. One family would bring the world to its knees. Pride ruled the Morning Star. The Horsemen must seize the keys. Greed ruled the world. 

The topics covered in this book are sensitive in nature to some readers.

10% of every sale is donated to the Polaris Project which is an organization against human trafficking. For more information please visithttp://www.polarisproject.org/

Purchase on Amazon / Paperback / Barnes and Noble

Join the Facebook Party to Celebrate the Release! Sunday June 1 6PM – 10 PM CST

Rae Z. Ryans is a member of the RWA and RWA Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal chapter. She currently resides in Alabama with her family. Rae enjoys writing romantic, steamy, fantasy/paranormal stories and poetry. Her name pays homage to her brothers: Specialist Ryan D. Rexon and Zachary U. Berthot.

She is currently working on Beyond the Brothel Walls #2: Altered and Midgard #2 Rise of the Valkyrie.

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