September 30

Do It All – Parenting


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  I fancy myself fairly organized and together.  I'm usually a little early when I'm going somewhere and pride myself on being able to get things done that need to be taken care of.  It's funny how having a child really throws all that out the window.  I'm now often a little late or arriving just on time and have house chores and things needing to get done that somehow seem to get put to the wayside.  If you would've asked me 5 years ago if I'd ever think I'd have to prioritize my daily list of “to-dos” or planfully construct a list of “must get dones” and “get done as you cans” I never would've believed you.  There was a time when I coulddo it all efficiently and with ease.

    Part of me wonders where the day goes and if I'm using my time efficiently; I mean I'm a stay at home mom, I've got PLENTY of time during the day to get EVERYTHING I need to get done, accomplished (wink wink, nod nod, I say with my “you know what I'm talkin' about voice”).  No seriously, as a stay at home mom I just assumed that when the baby naps you get all your things done…and some days I do…I impress myself with my ability to get things accomplished (omit vacuuming from this “I impress myself with my ability” line because that's my least favorite “to-do”).  Some days I get the essentials done and I'm equally impressed.  Impressed because as I said before I've not always been the person who could be comfortable leaving things to do later.
    I've learned as a mother that there are just some things that are more important than all chores accomplished and a spotless home; like spending time making our little guy laugh or going for a walk outside instead of staying in.  I'm finding at times I'm hard on myself (insert “mommy guilt” here) because I can't and don't do it all but am learning that it's just not who I am.  I have some pretty incredible friends who are working (and stay at home) moms who are able to be in a million places at once while working, being a mother, flawless party planner, and house keeper extraordinaire; I admire them…A LOT.  I've got crafting and photography on the brain 24/7 but when I have some down time lately I've just enjoyed sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in silence; somehow getting out the sewing machine or camera just seem like extra steps I can't quite jump on just yet.
    I'm also learning to be kinder to myself and admire my strong points; like knowing what I can handle and take on and what I can't.  I've always been one to put my all into what I'm doing and I like that about myself; however, with this trait comes trade offs in my role as mommy.  I can continue to put my all into what I'm doing, but I just can't do it all and that's OK! I'm enjoying finding comfort in this new found freedom and seeing the fruits of my labor unfold over days of the week rather than just all at once.  I'm looking forward to a time when I feel like I can squeeze in some crafting time; I'm actually planning to pull out the sewing machine to make our little man's Halloween costume! Small motivators and accomplish-able tasks…that's where I'm at!
What about you? What are the lessons you've learned (and or are learning) as a parent?  How have you changed and adjusted your lifestyle to fit being a parent? Has it been hard? Easy? Are you learning to be kind to yourself when it seems like others have more figured out that what you feel you do?

Erin Medina Heins loves photography and is an amateur sewer , former substance abuse counselor and case manager turned professional baby snuggler. Each day she works to cherish her time with her rapidly growing sweet little baby man while balancing not letting life and it’s distractions get in the way! Visit her on her blog, Facebook, and twitter.


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