September 20

Fallen {Book Review & Contest}


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Fallen is the first book in a romantic post apocalyptic trilogy by Traci L. Slatton

Book Blurb:

In a time of apocalyptic despair, love is put to the test . . .

Lethal mists have scourged the planet, killing billions of people. As chaos and madness descend, one woman with mysterious healing power guides seven children to safety. Charismatic Arthur offers her and her wards a haven. Slowly Emma falls for him. At the moment of their sweetest love, he reveals his devastating secret, and they are lost to each other.

My Thoughts –

I've been into the dystopian/post-apocalyptic themed books lately and I LOVED this one. The first page made me cry, the last page made me cry and even a few times in between. The first sentence gripped and held me. This is not a happy go lucky story. The main character Emma does things that were appalling at first glance but it made me think deeper. This book is about survival.

Emma and her youngest daughter Mandy are trapped over in France after a Holiday away. Her husband and other daughter are in Canada with her Mother In law when the unthinkable happens and the world ends.  Murderous Mist envelope the world destroying metals and minerals.  Emma picks up orphans along the way and has to do whatever it takes to care for the children. She allies herself with Arthur who is in charge of a camp. He's rough and a bit of a jerk but I fell in love with him just as Emma does. Problem is… well she is married and trying to get to her husband and other daughter.

Excellent book, I mean Unbelievable!

So I tracked down the author because I was dying to know when the next one came out and Thankfully it's December!

You can stalk friend the Author Traci L Statton on Facebook too.

So Buy the Book HERE and wait with me for the next one

Fill out the form below for a chance to win

Disclaimer – I received this book to review for my honest opinion, no other compensation received.


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  1. I think this sounds like a very interesting read and would love to get my grubby fingers on it. Thank you for sharing and for the wonderful giveaway opportunity.

  2. Oh man, I’m really into post-apocalyptic books as well. This looks really great, and I hope I win (cause I don’t really have the budget for books right now :P)

    creativitylost at me dot com

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