July 7

July Fan Appreciation Giveaway


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Hey everyone, so sorry for the delay this month. Between the holiday and me trying to finish a book…and I am cohost of a book convention in Orlando taking place next month ( Indie Bookfest ), I've been CRAZY busy!
On another note, if you like Urban Fantasy and paranormal romance you can follow me on Facebook, Bookbub, or sign up for my emails to hear about my releases. The next one is a new series called The Unleashed. Book one is more of a prequel about one of my favorite characters, Jack. Like MMA fighting werewolves? Make sure to follow me!

Okay, now onto the giveaway… you must be 18+ and have a US address to get the shirt but if you only want the GC, it is open to anywhere I can gift an Amazon GC! Fill out the form below to enter!



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  1. I love my mother and she is everything to me.. i really hope to win this to be able to take her out for the treat of her life.. thanks for this opportunity..

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