November 13

A Season to be Thankful For! $150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


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Sponsored by Pregknowsis and Hosted by Bonkers4coupons is an informative based website about trying to conceive, pregnancy advice and early parenthood. It all started when pregnant women (now moms) were seeking answers to their many questions about conception and pregnancy. They wanted a website that was different and unique from the ones that were currently available. I believe with Pregknowsis, they found it! What makes their website unique is the ability for users to reach out in this community, develop, post, answer poll questions and even blog about your favorite topics. The answers and data that you and others provide will be analyzed which will make it meaningful for everyone to relate.

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So you ask, how does the Pregknowsis website work?

By visiting, the initial individual experience is to create and register for a free profile. As soon as you answer a few simple questions about your lifestyle and demographics you will be on your way! Setting up your profile is quick and easy.Honestly it took me about 3 minutes to complete.

Once you have completed the registration, then users can begin asking or answering questions about pre pregnancy, conception or related to early parenthood. Your answers can be viewed instantly by using community answers in a statistical format. Once enough users have answered that particular question then the answers become significant. More of a reliable and trusted source.

Your answers can also be advanced further, so you can customize them by eight different categories that are submitted into profiles. Users also have the ability to change their lifestyle factors including a change in their fertility, social habits and BMI.


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On the website of, you also can take advantage of answering daily and category polls such as Pregnancy Symptoms, Relationship, Miscarriage and More! I actually find it refreshing to offer my opinion and advice to those who are experiencing some of the same things that I have gone through myself. I would definitely check out the “Hot” Polls for latest top question topics.

You can also search on the Pregknowsis website for poll questions that might be available only in their archives. This feature is great specially when you need to look up multiple questions or answers.

Overall, is an inviting website where you can reach out to your community and moms alike, for great tips, answers and support. It's a great way for new moms to mingle with many experienced parents.

I believe the advice given is honest and I feel that when they answer your questions it's from their own past experiences. It's an excellent source and a wonderful way to communicate your concerns.

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There is only one thing that is left for you to do, Register on the website for your FREE Profile!

Feel free to stay connected with Pregknowsis on Facebook and Twitter.


One Very Lucky Reader has a chance to win a $150 Amazon Gift Card!

Giveaway is open to US and Canadian Residents only. Must be 18+ to enter. Giveaway will close on November 30th at 11:59pm est.

You may enter this giveaway through the Giveaway Tools Platform below. Good Luck!

***As a requirement when entering, you must create and register your Free Profile.



Bonkers4coupons and the blogs participating are not responsible for prize fulfillment/shipment. Bonkers4coupons received monetary compensation for the hosting of this giveaway. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and any other social media are not affiliated with this giveaway. If you have any questions please contact Michele @



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