April 25

Whispers of the Skyborne – Devices of War 3 by SM Blooding Book Review #Giveaway


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WOSBBOOKTOURWhispersoftheskyborneThe world has changed. The Great Families are no longer in power. Queen Nix of the Hands of Tarot has been stripped of her title and incarcerated. The League of Cities has been formed to provide a new line of defense to the smaller tribal nations.

Not without consequences, though. Another of the original Great Families has been destroyed. As the new leaders rise from the ashes, a new threat comes to light; something no one saw coming, something that had been lurking under the surface of their society for generations.

The Skyborne. As they discover just how deep the Skyborne’s influences are, they realize the war they thought they’d been fighting . . . . . . wasn’t the real one.

Amazon / Whistling Book Press

Get book 1 and book 2 HERE 

Krissy's Review –

Whispers of the Skyborne is the third book in The Devices of War trilogy. Throughout this series the main threat to Synn and his friends appeared to Nix and the Hands of Tarot. In book two, Synn created The League of Cities tearing down the main power of The Great Families and Nix. Whispers of Skyborn begins with Nix now in custody and the main powerhouses torn down, however, the real enemy has finally revealed themselves. The Skyborn. Can The League of Cities defeat The Skyborn and reclaim what has been taken from them? I guess you'll have to read and find out. 
Overall I found this series interesting. It was a little hard for me to get into the first book, but as the series progressed each book got progressively better. Of the three, Whispers of the Skyborn was my favorite. The world the author has developed is well thought out. The people consist of different tribes, some who live on land, some who live on and in the sea, and some who live in the sky. By book three tribes of all types come together to form the League of Cities. If you enjoy science fiction, this series is definitely one you want to check out. 

Meet the Author:

SM “Frankie” Blooding lives in Colorado with her pet rock, Rockie, and Jack the Bird. Jack has refused to let her to take up the piano again, but is warming to the guitar. It might help that Frankie has learned more than two strings. She’s added a few more Arabic words to her vocabulary, but don’t invite her into conversation yet—unless, of course, you’re willing to have a very . . . slow . . . conversation.

She’s dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government assassins. Yes. She has stories.

She’s also an investigator with a local paranormal investigation group, Colorado Paranormal Rescue!

Find out more about her at:

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Ends 4/23
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