August 23

Why I need Life Insurance!


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This is a picture of my father and he passed away only two months ago. It is still very tender and some days are a lot harder than others. My father had a great job as an industrial engineer and also wrote nautical fiction books. We weren't surprised when he died, he's been a smoker since 12 and developed stage 4 lung cancer. We knew he was going to pass but it didn't make it any easier.

Thankfully he had life insurance otherwise my step mother would be in deep trouble. It's hard enough on her right now without having to worry about finances too. She was a stay at home wife with no income coming in, my dad was the “bread winner”.

The life insurance helped pay for the memorial service and is helping her live the rest of her life without having to worry about anything financial. That was one thing my Dad wanted for her. He wanted to be able to go in peace and know she would be taken are of. Without life insurance that wouldn't have happened.

We don't have life insurance yet but we are looking. I keep having nightmares about my husband passing and us losing EVERYTHING because without life insurance that's what will happen. So we are looking and getting quotes. We own a business too and you can even buy key man insurance in case you lose an important employee. I guess you can get insurance for almost anything these days and I don't have any at all!

Do you have life insurance? Did you get it through your work of have you bought it on your own? Any advice for me?



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