September 8

Easy After School Snack #BTFE


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The kids seem to be famished when they are finished with their school work. It must be all of that brain activity 😉 I always let them have something to snack on after school. Sometimes it is fruit, sometimes crackers and cheese, but on Fridays we always have something extra yummy.

We've been collecting bonus box tops for our local schools lately so I decided to make an after school snack out of the treats I bought. Some of our favorite things – yogurt, fruit, and chocolate – YUM!


What you need

Fresh or frozen fruit

2 Yoplait original packs

2 Fiber One Chocolate Fudge Brownies


The girls were so excited that they wanted to help too.

Little A is layering the brownies, fruit, and yogurt in a mason jar. She wanted to do it all herself.

You know, it makes it EXTRA special when she makes it.


There is a huge list of products you can buy to help support your local schools.

Check out what products you can buy here.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.


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  1. Also just about anything in a mason jar becomes special, too. It would be nice to have a few of these in the refrigerator for when the “need” hits!!!

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