December 3

Fluffy Snowman Craft


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There isn't any snow here in Florida. It's actually been in the 80's this week so we decided to make our own snow and made this fluffy snowman craft. It was fun and very easy. My girls are older but this is easy enough for younger children as well.



Heavy cardstock
Blue and orange craft paint
Black puffy paint  (regular will work too)
White school glue
3 bowls or glasses of different sizes to trace body
Approximately 1 cup of Instant mashed potatoes
Paint brush


1. Paint one side of the cardstock with blue paint and allow it to dry. I get a little impatient waiting for things to dry so I went ahead with the next step when it was mostly dry. This worked out because some of the potatoes stuck outside of my glue area and look like blowing snow.

2. Using 3 different sized bowls or glasses (or freehand) trace the body of your snowman.


3. Trace the circles with glue just outside the lines so they don't show, then fill in.


4. Mix glitter in with the potatoes and pour over the glue. Let it set for a few minutes, then gently tap off the excess.


5. Use orange craft (or puffy) paint to create the nose, and black puffy paint to create a hat, eyes, mouth and buttons, then lay flat and allow it to dry completely.



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  1. I love Snowman decorations and this Fluffy Snowman craft is easy to make and so much fun. I would like to make a few of these with my daughter and put on our front window!

  2. I never would have thought of using mashed potatoes, but it certainly makes a great snowman. This is a really cute idea.

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