November 11

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 DVD Contest


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The final face-off between good and evil is finally upon us as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is released on DVD November 11, 2011, just in time for the holidays! Join Harry, Ron and Hermione as they do battle against Voldemort in the epic conclusion to the film series everyone is talking about!

Take The Harry Potter Trivia Quiz! Are you an expert in all things Potter?  Test your knowledge in our trivia quiz!  Discover if you are an expert or a novice by challenging your skills!  The results might surprise you!

Discover The Harry Potter Buzz Portal! Are you hungry for the latest in all things Potter?  The Harry Potter Buzz Portal will give you real time updates on the trending Harry Potter topics from Facebook and Twitter.  Plus, you can share your top three tips to having the ultimate Harry Potter party!

Want to win a copy? Of course you do! (If you can wait and not buy it right?)
Fill out the form below.


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  1. 5/5 a true Harry Potter Mom.. Loving Harry Potter long before the movies.. But I love them too. Harry is a part of my kids lives.

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