April 24

Motherhood Matters by Connie Sokol Blog Tour


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motherhood matters tour

Tour Schedule

Motherhood Matters

Motherhood is a divine calling—but it may not always feel that way. Now you can show the women in your life how much they matter to you, with this delightful and heartwarming volume of wit and wisdom about the divinity, reality, and rewards of motherhood. Fresher than flowers and sweeter than chocolate, it’s a perfect gift for the women who give so much.

In these hectic days where life’s demands can quickly become a heavy burden, Motherhood Matters helps you find more memorable moments and take the stress out of the to-do lists. Written with clarity, concision, and wit, this short, yet indispensable handbook is better than flowers, more guilt-free than chocolate, and gives back to the woman who sacrifices so much of herself every single day.



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Author Connie Sokol
Connie Sokol is a mother of seven, a national and local presenter, and a regular speaker at Education Week. She is a monthly contributor on KSL TV “Studio 5,” and regular blogger for KSL “Motherhood Matters.” She is a former TV and radio host for Bonneville Communications, and columnist for Deseret News and Utah Valley Magazine. Mrs. Sokol is the author of several books including the award-nominated romance Caribbean Crossroads, the 8-week Challenge program of Faithful, Fit & Fabulous, Life is Too Short for One Hair Color Series, as well as talk CDs and podcasts. Mrs. Sokol marinates in time spent with her family and eating decadent treats.

Review – I never planned on being a mom. I was career driven and had goals, my life was planned out. When I became pregnant things quickly shifted  but I still had my goals, what I thought was important.  At first I didn't know what a huge blessing it was. I wish someone would have given me a book like this. While I loved my children so much I felt like I wasn't doing enough. Like I was suppose to be out working to prove myself. My husband constantly reminded me how being a Mother is such an important job. Not everyone has someone to tell them that. This book was so uplifting. I love Connie Sokol's books and this would make the perfect Mother's Day gift for any Mom.

Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 5/15/13
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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