February 1

Oreo Brownie Recipe


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I know there are some people out there who don’t like Oreo’s, but I unapologetically like them.  And if they are Double Stuffed, then even better!  There are so many recipes out there with Oreos and Brownies mixed.  Sometimes they have cookie dough involved as well.  All of them make me drool, and curse my not so fast metabolism.  I am trying to eat a little healthier as of late, so I couldn’t go over board with these brownies.  I just went for the plain brownie with a layer of Oreo (Double Stuffed) in the middle.  This really brings the brownie to a whole new level.  I am a sucker for just about any fudgy brownie, they really are my krypotnite.  But add Oreo’s and I am done for, and all bets are off.

These were super easy, you can use a brownie mix or whatever your favorite recipe is.  Pour half in the pan, put in some Oreo’s, pour in the other half of the batter (adding some crumbled Oreo’s on top would be a good idea too).  Bake.  Eat!  Can’t really get much better than that, can you?  Now only if they were calorie free

For other great recipes like this visit Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts
Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies – nothing beats a classic chocolate chip cookie, fresh out of the oven.  These are thick, chewy, and delicious!
Chicken Enchilada Chili – all your favorite Mexican flavors in a hearty, but low in calorie chili!
Focaccia with Onions and Rosemary – fresh bread is delicious, this bread takes only 5 minutes to make the dough!
Oreo Muffins – These muffins are great, and the perfect use for your leftover Oreo’s from the brownies!

Oreo Brownie Recipe
Brownie Batter (box mix, or from scratch)
9 Double Stuffed Oreo’s
Additional Oreo’s crushed, optional
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.   Line an 8×8 baking dish with foil.
Prepare brownie batter.  Spread 1/2 the batter into the bottom of the pan.  Place Oreo’s in 3 rows of 3 over the batter.  Pour in the rest to cover the cookies.  If using additional Oreo’s sprinkle them across the top.  Bake for about 25 -30 minutes, or until done.   Cool before serving.

Erin is the resident recipe contributor for Taking Time for Mommy – Online Magazine for Moms. You can also  find her on her own blog Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts and on facebook.



brownies, dessert

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  1. Can’t wait to make these for my family! Oreo’s happen to be one of our favorite cookies & ice cream flavor. Thanks

  2. Can’t wait to make these for my family! Oreo’s happen to be one of our favorite cookies & ice cream flavor. Thanks

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