August 9

Swept into the Darkness #GuestPost


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Swept into the Darkness

by Lataeya Lane

Sydney London is no ordinary twenty-four year old. Ever since she was a child she has had unique out of this world abilities. Suffering from a near death experience and surviving a deadly car crash Sydney is no stranger to death and loss. Cut off from the world around her she encounters an Angel and eventually falls for him inspired by deceitful magic.

Her one true love awaits in the shadows attempting to guard and protect her by risking his immortality. Traumatized by the murder of her best friend she sets off on an unspeakable journey to bring the dead back to life. Sydney's journey of self discovery opens her up to learn of her true angelic identity. She is led in the middle of an inter dimensional war among a hybrid breed of Angel Vampires and the Hierarchy of the Angelic clan. Will her unique powers and the love she bears for her guardian be enough for her to save the Earthly Realm or will she be Swept into the Darkness?

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About the Author:

Years of exposure within the writing and publishing world have made a lasting impact on Author LaTaeya Lane. Writing since she was seven years old, Lane began jotting down phrases and themes later turning them into poems and short stories. Writing became such a passion throughout her youth that she became the Junior and Senior editor of her High school newspaper. She wrote her first novel at age sixteen but was not seeking publication at that time in her life. Lane entered several creative writing contests during her early years of writing and won a few of them. Always captivated by the supernatural and elements of fantasy, Lane was inspired to write a series of books that focused on going beyond the boundaries of life and imagination. The angel vampire fantasy “Swept into the Darkness” is Lane's first published book in a series called “Chronicles of the Celestial.” Lane completed a degree in Social Sciences and currently works to support the education of special needs middle school students. Lane resides in the state of New Jersey with her husband Leo and is working on writing and publishing the second book in the series. Lane also loves to draw and paint. Traveling and experiencing a variety of different foods is also a deep passion of hers. Lane loves watching horror and fantasy movies and is a believer of the Ancient Alien Theory. Some of her favorite authors include, Charline Harris, Stephen King and Erick Von Daniken.

Follow Lataeya on FaceBook | Twitter | Goodreads | Website | Literary Addicts

Guest Post –

Swept into the Darkness is an urban fantasy novel that blends the elements of Angels, vampires, Greek mythology, and biblical fiction in a way that creates something new for the fantasy reader.

The first book in a series is titled Chronicles of the Celestial. The book introduces the world to a character named Sydney London. She is in the process of recovering from a tragic car accident. She feels that her life is filled with death and loss and to make matters worse she realizes that the powers she has are definitely real.

The death of someone close to her opens her up to a whole new world as she learns the secrets to her past and the destiny that lies before her.

Sydney uncovers the truth about who she really is and learns that she must use her special powers to help save the earth from darkness.

Swept into the Darkness is a book that has something for everyone. Angels, vampires, werewolves, shifters, you name it. There are many creatures that pop up throughout the series, many classics, but there are also very unique creatures that are new to the world of fantasy. There is war, danger, magic, adventure and love, everything that makes a great fantasy.

The second book in the series is titled Dark Betrayal and is expected to be released late Fall 2013.

The author is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. I haven’t had the pleasure, but I have added her to my TBR, thanks to your wonderful post. Thanks for sharing Swept Into Darkness and the giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com

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