February 27

#prophecymovie Hollywood Helps the Homeless Movie #charity @ArchmageREBA


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The Prophecy Project

No, it not a religious nut job’s agenda or an end of the world group. The Prophecy Project is trying to revolutionize the way we are entertained, specifically with movies. How would you like to go to a movie and know that somewhere, a family who has hit a rough patch, lost their job, and are homeless, will be given a hand up – not a hand out? That a family will be back on its feet and self-sufficient in six months?

The Prophecy Project will produce a full-length fantasy film, like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, based on the Kindle Bestseller, Prophecy of the Flame – Book One.  Lynn Hardy, the author of the book, has dedicated 100% of the proceeds from the first book in her series to a charity that helps homeless families with children. This includes the author proceeds from the movie, too!

Recently, Lynn has heard from a MAJOR DIRECTOR, one who was nominated for an ACADEMY AWARD… Hollywood is watching the kickstarter event she launched.  If there is support for the Prophecy Project, if the event is a success and shows that thousands of people are waiting for the movie then the big boys will come in with millions to make a fantastic, blockbuster movie!

With that kind of support, the Prophecy Project will launch a quality film. Thousands of families will have a warm bed for their kids, all across the country, with the small percentage the charity gets from a film of this caliper. But we need your help.

What can you do? As little as $1 donated to the Prophecy Project Kickstarter event will tell Hollywood producers that you want this movie to be made. For your donation, you will be emailed a CRUSADER CERTIFICATE from the PROPHECY PROJECT so that the world will know that YOU made this happen, that YOU helped homeless families get a warm bed for their kids.

You can also help by spreading the word. Repost this guest post on your blog or share this blog with your friends. Email friends and family and let them know about this movement that is spreading across America.


Here’s a link to the Kickstarter event:


More info about the Prophecy Project can be found at:


Note from Mandie – You can buy Lynn Hardy's book The Prophecy of the Flame HERE


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