February 5

Vinyl Plank Flooring: Beauty and Luxury


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waterproof vinyl plank flooringVinyl Plank Flooring: Beauty and Luxury

Why people are more drawn towards the vinyl plank flooring is no surprise; its wood like feel and luxury makes it an excellent product for the homeowners. The product is affordable and durable; it does not give any headaches to customers who feel just right to buy vinyl plank floor for their dream home. Vinyl plank flooring is a great and most popular flooring option these days because the material used in its preparation is excellent; no matter the foot traffic is greater or low in your house or office, vinyl plank flooring is the most convenient option for people.

Vinyl plank flooring cannot be confused with the luxury vinyl tiles or stone tiles used in the offices. Vinyl plank floor coverings are a type of floor covering made to look like real wood without the hefty price tag. Vinyl floors consist of 4 layers, from bottom to top.

GoHaus Three Options

GoHaus offers three types of luxury plank flooring options, utility, pro and click. These product types are unique from another type of flooring options because they have a feel of wood. They come in various designs and textures which look very different to provide an elegant feel. The Utility option is one of the greatest options for homeowners GoHaus provides, this product is best for homes with few family members and low traffic. You can also use it in the home office or a small office. When it comes to the usefulness of Pro option, GoHaus makes it unique by 3MM thickness. The thicker Pro option is excellent for the high traffic homes where lots of people arrive daily. It is best for a commercial office or a space for business organization.

Homes with active pets and animals can also find Pro option most suitable and durable. It is easy to install and does not create any problems for a large number of people or pets in the house. You can install it yourself with a measuring tape and utility knife. The click option is another great option for the homes and offices who rely on the durability of the floor. It can be installed successfully on the top of any subfloor. The unique aspect of Pro product is that when there is a case of damage plank, there is no problem replacing it easily.  A durable floor is always perfect for the needs of large families and organizations with heavy traffic on a daily basis.

Everyday life becomes great with GoHaus options of vinyl plank flooring.  The plank flooring products of GoHaus are all FloroScore certified; they meet all the air quality standards to provide resilient flooring for private and commercial use.

Visit http://www.gohaus.com/vinyl-plank-flooring website and find the most suitable vinyl plank flooring option today from GoHaus. It looks like real wood and requires less maintenance over the period of times. We provide various discounts to our customers who feel satisfied with our products.  GoHaus products are unique because they are environmentally friendly, it does not pose any threat to the environment.


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