May 18

Bronze Fox by Diana Green Book Review


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bronze-fox-book-tour-banner-Bronze Fox Ecover - MediumTobias is a fox-shifter, stolen in childhood from his home-world. Now he works as an agent for the secretive and powerful sentinels, trying to bring an end to the interworld slave trade.

Etty is a street-smart spitfire from the wrong side of the tracks. She harbors untrained magical abilities and a deep longing for a better life. Can she channel these into working as Tobias’ assistant?

Will they survive a life-changing mission where love and danger are only a heartbeat away, and the fate of rift worlds hangs in the balance?

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As soon as I saw fox shifter I wanted to read this, I didn't have to know anything else about the book but what I got was so much more. Bronze Fox was a mix of genre. We have Tobias who is a fox shifter. He was stolen and sold into slavery from another realm. Now he is working for a secret organization and is working to end the slavery trade.

Then we have Etty who dresses as a boy and drives a horse drawn buggy. Her world is steampunk and where the sentinels base is. She meets up with Tobias and her entire world changes. She even has powers of her own that she has been hiding.

Bronze Fox also had a good mix of Sci-Fi too when they go to the other worlds. I enjoyed their journey to the different worlds and seeing their character development. Etty and Tobias had fantastic chemistry and I am looking forward to continuing on with this series


Diana Green Author PhotoAbout the author:

Since her childhood, growing up in New Zealand, Diana has been an avid storyteller. For years she enjoyed teaching art and special education, while continuing to write as a hobby. After she developed an auto-immune disorder, a career change was necessary, but happily this led her to become a professional author.

Diana’s books are mostly romance, in the fantasy and science fiction sub-genres. She has been a finalist for the CRW Award of Excellence and the Aspen Gold Published Novel Contest.

At present, she self-publishes and writes for the Wild Rose Press.
For more information, excerpts, trailers, and reviews visit


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