July 4

How To Make A Summer Cucumber Salad


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How To Make A Summer Cucumber SaladHow To Make A Summer Cucumber Salad

Every year my husband and I plant a large garden and one of the items we plant are cucumbers. If you plant cucumbers, you know that you can get tons of them every season. One of the things we like to make with our fresh cucumbers is this fantastic salad recipe.

When choosing cucumbers for this recipe, you want to look for medium sized ones that have no blemishes or defects. You want them to be just about ripe or ripe…but not overly ripe which gives it a woody texture. In addition, I like to peel the skin off of my cucumbers when I make this recipe…however, I know other people who leave the skin on…the choice is yours.

This recipe will make 4-5 hearty servings.

Cucumbers In Sour Cream Salad Recipe

2 large cucumbers, sliced

1 teaspoon table salt

1/2 cup sour cream

2 tablespoons white vinegar

1 tablespoon minced or finely chopped onion

2 teaspoons granulated sugar

1 teaspoon dill

Wash and slice your cucumbers and place them into a bowl. Sprinkle with the salt and cover your bowl. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

In a separate bowl, combine together the sour cream, white vinegar, chopped onion, granulated sugar and the dill. Pour this mixture over top of the slice cucumbers and refrigerate for 2-3 hours to allow it to marinate.

This is the type of salad that you want to keep refrigerated and serve chilled. If you like a sweeter taste, you can add additional granulated sugar. The longer you let it marinate in the refrigerator, the better it tastes.

Shelly Hill is a mother and grandmother living in Pennsylvania who enjoys cooking and baking for her family and friends. You can visit Shelly's online cooking and recipe site at http://wahmshelly.blogspot.com for additional free recipes and cooking tips.


cucumbers, salad, summer

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  1. This sounds so good. I’ve made salads with cucumbers before, but not like this. I love sour cream I must try this, and I bet it would be good for a get together, too.

  2. This recipe looks so good. We love eating cucumbers at our house and this recipe is amazing. I am going to try it out. Thanks for sharing!

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