April 20

Zigo Mango Stroller Great for Active Moms!


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We are really trying to get in shape as a family. My littlest one who is 5 is riding her bike and well…. bike rides are going very slowly! I wouldn't have had to wait so long if I had gotten a jogging stroller. I recently became aware of Zigo Mango Stroller. The Zigo Mango is the premier stroller, jogging stroller, and kids bike trailer combination.

You can even connect it to your bike! That itself has me sold!

You don't have to buy any add-on or accessory kits. Caster wheels, a jogging arm, and a bike trailer kit all are included standard with the Zigo Mango Stroller!

I love this! You can get active and stay active! Walk, run, add to your bike! You and your baby/child will never get bored!! Meaning you will stick with it!  It's easy too because everything you need is in ONE BOX! Two kids? No problem, they include an extra harness.

More Great Features!

High quality

-Made by Zigo…maker of the super cool Zigo Leader Carrier Bike

-It is the new standard for baby and mommy sporty luxury

-Premium luxury features:

-padded seats

-5 point safety harness

-reflective striping

-4 point shock absorbers

-Multi-position adjustable pushbar

-Dual drum brakes

-Optional Deluxe Environmental Control System (mesh screen and wind/rain guard)

Best part? It folds up so you can fit it in your trunk! No more excuses! Get active and stay active!

Head on over to their website and check it out the Zigo Mango X2 Complete Stroller/Jogger/Trailer!



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